Heroes of Shadow Guard is an MMORPG that allows players to experience both sides of dungeon crawling. Players can design their own labyrinths, pick their own monsters, and raid opposing player labyrinths.
With over 300 items, 140 guards, 70 crafting recipes, 15 heroes, in-depth faction cooperation, dynamic leaderboards, hybrid perspectives (first person and birds-eye), and much more, Heroes of Shadow Guard
rewards players with significant RPG depth and a dynamic multiplayer experience.
"If you enjoy turn based titles like Final Fantasy or the Shining series, or you enjoy mobile team cooperation and multiplayer like Clash of Clans, you will love Heroes of Shadow Guard."
Build your own labyrinth - decide the layout, guards, traps, orbs, and more.
Raid other player's labyrinths in true 3D turn-based combat.
Equip your heroes with weapons, gear, and items from a collection of over 300 pieces.
Collaborate with other players to form powerful 30 member Factions.
Enjoy a thrilling single-player campaign with a compelling story and rewards.
"We need better quotes from verifiable sources."
- Joel Tubre, Iron27.com
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About Iron 27 Inc
Iron 27, Inc. is a small video game development studio located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Tired of seeing the same, depthless game concepts recycled on mobile devices, web entrepreneur Joel Tubre founded Iron 27 in September 2013.
His vision: "Build a multiplayer mobile RPG that allows players to experience both sides of dungeon crawling. Let players design their own labyrinths, pick their own monsters, and raid opposing player labyrinths." Iron 27 is composed of
a handful of exceptionally talented programmers, designers, and artists who have been working over a year to make Heroes of Shadow Guard a reality.
We hope you enjoy it.
More information
More information on Iron 27 Inc, our logo & relevant media are available here.